This paper presents the theoretical analysis of subband adaptive array combining cyclic prefix transmission scheme (SBAA-CP) in multipath fading environment. The exact expressions for optimal weights, array outputs and the output signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) are derived. The analysis shows that use of the cyclic prefix data transmission scheme can significantly improve the performance of subband adaptive array (SBAA). An example of implementing SBAA-CP as a software antenna is also presented.
Kyung Won PARK Se Hyun PARK Yong Soo CHO
The VLSI implication of the guard interval in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is described. A new OFDM transmission scheme using cyclic suffix is proposed to reduce the hardware complexity required for implementing the guard interval in the transmitter, and is shown to have the same performance as the conventional approach using cyclic prefix, even with a significantly lower hardware complexity (smaller buffer size and no processing delay).
SeongHo HA Inho HWANG HwangSoo LEE
This letter proposes an initial frame synchronization algorithm for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Since the proposed scheme utilizes only the cyclic prefix and the phase shift of the demodulated data without the aid of any known signals, it can be applied not only at the beginning of data transmission but also at any instant during transmission. The performance of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by computer simulation for QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-QAM systems.